Articles & Testimony Even as they celebrate the demise of Assad’s dictatorship, U.S. officials should take...
Read moreDetailsArticles & Testimony To prevent Russia from cutting permanent deals with the rebels or otherwise salvaging...
Read moreDetailsArticles & Testimony Despite his latest tweets about staying out of the Syria crisis, Trump has...
Read moreDetailsArticles & Testimony Despite the welcome blow to Iran's axis, Israel’s must now protect its border...
Read moreDetailsArticles & Testimony Abu Mohammad al-Jolani has worked for years to rebrand himself, but has he...
Read moreDetailsArticles & Testimony The dictator’s rigidity at the negotiating table and within Syrian society left him...
Read moreDetailsArticles & Testimony In addition to carefully managing moves on the Golan, Israel should focus on...
Read moreDetailsArticles & Testimony The West should move quickly to exploit Moscow's long series of bad strategic...
Read moreDetailsArticles & Testimony Despite the group's expansion in other parts of the world, its original base...
Read moreDetailsArticles & Testimony Disenfranchisement, party fragmentation, and external pressures are pushing Iraqi Kurdistan to a breaking...
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